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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

The Tinkerbell in me :)

I hate to throw away things. I remember, as a child, I used to have buckets of waste things piled up with the hope that someday I will make good use of it and that day would never arrive. I used to hold on to those until one fine day my Mom would happily clean my room and send all the things to probably where they belonged - 'The Bin'. Things have not really changed much. I still hate to throw things that I think can be reused!

When I woke up today morning , I saw an old and empty bottle of men's perfume that I had bought for Abhay last christmas. I knew this bottle will find a place in the trash the moment Abhay will wake up and use its last drop. Compelled by my old habit... I quitely kept it in the drawer and left for work....

And when I returned , I converted it into a money pouch :) :) You don't believe me , do ya?
But would you believe if I show you what I did and how I did it ? Afterall, seeing is believing ;)

Step 1 : Get the bottle of perfume 

Step 2: Take out the cover

Step 3: Get some thread and a needle

Step 4 : Turn the cover inside out and sew both the open ends , ignoring my terribly unmanicured hands!

Your money pouch is ready :D :D

Do you believe now ?? Genius isn't it ?? ;) Afterall , its none other than the Tinkerbell in me :D
Now whether I will really use this money pouch or not is a different question ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thr used to be a game...Finders Keepers...Now Finders Keepers Tinkerers :D :)

Nov 25, 2012, 9:49:00 AM  

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