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Monday, November 05, 2012

The Checklist : Day 2

Do you remember THIS and THIS? Lets see how did I fare on the last day of the lovely weekend :)

Yippee! I got all the checks :) :) Well , I didn't sleep as much as I had thought I would ... but then who wants to waste the lovely weekend sleeping anyway :)


I and Abhay finally went for a walk today morning to bid farewell to the autumn... this is possibly the last phase of autumn of this year....Shades of yellow , crimson and orange were absolutely mesmerizing


I came across this picture after I happened to watch an episode of Satyamev Jayate about old age ....
And I couldn't stop myself from thinking about life and age... A person's age doesn't define his behaviour and actions , I believe mostly its the actions and behaviour that tells the age of a person sadly. He is 1 year old, he should walk... She is 2 year old, she should talk! Expectations for behaviour based on one's age is so common in our society and its rather unfortunate. You are the owner of your life and you should decide what you want to do and when you want to do it. Your age shouldn't decide it for you.
Btw, do you guys remember this ? :)
It feels great if you can make one smile and today , I feel great !! :)
And with this we have come to an end of this lovely weekend .... Hope you all had a very relaxing one as well....
Take Care and don't forget to take a smile :)


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