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Thursday, November 03, 2011

India Calling ....

Yipppeee.... Finally I am heading home!!! The excitement is too much to express in words. The thought  of being at home is giving me a burst of energy :D

Anyway , moving on.... I am so much held up packing , buying gifts , shopping etc etc and at these crazy moments ,what can better happen than this : I open a bag I hadn't opened for months and find this ;)

Yipppeee !!! 28 pounds and some pennies :)
Nothing can beat this feeling :D

Time to go and check some more bags ..... Tata!!



Anonymous M said...

Can you make around the world in 28pounds?

Nov 5, 2011, 12:26:00 AM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

I can make money out of 28 pounds and yes ! can then see the world too :)

Nov 15, 2011, 9:42:00 PM  
Anonymous M said...

how was ur india trip? You could have made around the world in 28 pounds(even 8 dollars-remember raj kapoor !) in early 20th century ..curse the free trade and inflation and increase in monetary supply in the system notwithstanding rollback of gold pegged currency system!!

Nov 17, 2011, 7:06:00 PM  
Anonymous M said...

No Blog frm ur side.. so thought let me pitch in some of my thoughts on this one...on the note of 'around the globe' and " economy and inflation"... while i was a kid i was struck by a curious realization.. that while the earth rotates west to east..."the Centres of Economy and threshold of human civilization" rotate from "East to West"... it all started with the first evolution of " the huntuing man" who started 'Economy of the Tribes" in Africa...and then arose to its EAST the Egyptian Civilization with all its mystic and splendour..nothwithstanding same time about we had 'further east' Mohenjodaro and Harrapa..while it ended the ancient tribal groups emerged in the Americas with the Olmecs n all..the earth spinned a bit faster and before u cud realize the epicentre shifted to Greece...then with Socrates to his disciple Plato to his disciple Aristotle to his disciple aleaxander after hsi death the epicentre passed further east to the Roman civilization..with all its grandeur and ceasars and triumveraste after the birth of christ and fall of Nero it further shifted to 2nd generationof Egyptian civilization decendands of Ptolemy and then further east we had the Grand Indian Age where our GDP was the highest in the world under Samudragupta clocking 32% growth p.a with no inflation!!The rotating earth skipped a beat and the Spain became the epicentre...all major discoveries happened in this period with Spanish and Portugusese trying to outsail each other in search of new land..The expenditure on funding such foolhardy voyages and preparing armies deprived the exchequer of such economies of wealth to sustain growth and have financial security..the imports became so high that the currency devalued (juz kidding hehehee rather gold was the only currency and so it was in shortage)the internal consumption and growth rate was so high that to avoid inflation and historic chaos new land was an absolute necessity.. with rise of britain and france most of the spanish exopenditure and all the gold of incas(which they plundred) was spent on military ...soon after the fall of spanish armada (biggest ever military catastrophe on economy of a state)the Spains GDP collapsed and while brits and french were on rise.. the Centre shifted to middle east with the rise of turks and pashas.. who further gave way to ottoman in the east.. and before u cud realize there was again britain and USA...while brits faded and USA has been in rise..the epicentre is again shifting east.. India and China.. and the rest .. as you know is "east-story" (history!) phew.. always thought of patenting this and carve my name in the annals of socio-polit-economical thinkers..hehe..but in case i fail to do so.. and as you claim you really know who I am.. you may take the cause forward in case somebody tries to steal it :P cya "around" ......

Nov 22, 2011, 1:42:00 PM  

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