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Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Diwali !!

Though diwali is over, its never too late to pass on good wishes! :) Hope you all had a great diwali ...

Here are some of my clicks from that day !

Made Gulab Jamuns for the first time in my whole life!! :) Feels like an achievement

Windows decorated with lights

I love Shakkar Pare ! (Its the name of the delicacy :P)

A smiley puja thali decorated by Abhay

Abhay and I had a gala time while preparing for the festival :) A glimpse of it is here :D

Artwork while cooking ;)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Diwali and nice clicks! :)

Oct 29, 2011, 11:29:00 AM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

Thanks :)

But why anonymous ?

Oct 29, 2011, 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous M said...

Happy Diwali and Happy Gulab Jamun...i was abt to say ur blog had become "Thoughts Disappeared".... have fun :)

Oct 29, 2011, 6:35:00 PM  
Anonymous M said...

btw plzz dont post pics like Gulab Janum wala ;P lolz it looks awesomeee yummyyy...slurp!!...u shud be considerate to your blog readers jo bechare aisi jagah fase honge while reading ur blogs jahan gulab jamun nahiiin miltii :( gulab jamunnn........ hehe..btw congratz chef!! guess u r rising up the ranks of 'kitchen genies' fast!

Oct 30, 2011, 5:19:00 AM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

Ok point noted :) No more pictures of food ;) Btw , the reason why I prepared is because I am also stuck at a place 'jahan Gulab Jamun nahi milta' :D So might consider preparing it yourself for a change :D

Oct 30, 2011, 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous M said...

Point Noted! But i cant make those yummy looking Gulab Jamuns like you..if i input into my machine software "Make Gulabjamuns" the output will be baby cricket balls!!! Waise nice work on sagar para..thankfully i dig more on its cousin- the namkeen matri...legend has it there are only two kinda ppl that come home on diwali- one who likes seet matri(sagar para) and the other who like namkeen matri!!There is yet again another cult war for the gastronomically devoted- between Gulab Jamun and Rasgulla( a delicacy originated in Orissa but Marketed and Pstented by Bengalis)...i looove the former...though my sibling(who shall be addrressed as S for the sole reason a 'S' being present in the name of my dearest sibling ) belongs to the Rasgulla society and also the sagar para... so to keep both the warring armies at bay all 4 have to be prepared at home :D ... i think you can tell a lot abt a person whether he or she likes gulab jamun or rasgulla..sagar para or namkeen many sweets he takes in his each serving..etc many gulab jamuns will u take...i can take atleast 4 (as usual)unabashedly from the gulab jamun pics u uploded :D.....Signing off...

Oct 31, 2011, 4:49:00 AM  

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