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Wednesday, February 08, 2012

I can't sleep!

Yes its 5:50 in the morning and I am just NOT SLEEPY!!! Huh! I hate this feeling when you know you should sleep and by not sleeping , you are actually dragging yourself into a big trouble and yet! you can't sleep. Gosh! my body is feeling it! God knows whats going on with my brain?!?

So to kill time, I decided to try Holgaish effect on different pictures(clicked by me) and the results did impress me. May be its the outcome of being deprived of sleep(Am I seeing stars there?! .... :P). What do you think of these?

Floral Roundabout, Worcester

Does it need any introduction?

Bell Tower, Worcester

On the way to the train station (Foregate St, Worcester)

The Yellow bikes that showed us the beautiful city called Amsterdam!

Tower Bridge , I am coming !!!! :)

Now , before Abhay wakes up and goes totally mad at me, I will try to take a nap now. Have a great day you'all! :)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sleep is not the only way to dream. take care, sleep well, stay beautiful!

Feb 11, 2012, 3:54:00 PM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

Infact,I stop dreaming when I sleep :)

Feb 12, 2012, 8:00:00 PM  
Anonymous M said...

OMG...those are lovelyyyy....if u just managed a red somewhere u wud have turned absolute spielberg(aka schiendler list) lolol..nahin yaar..those r really gud pics...those i see in art exhibitions..put up one..i may turn up buying one....n thn u might get to know who i am hehehe tc ...M

Feb 16, 2012, 3:24:00 PM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

I know, a dash of colour would have added so much of beauty to it. May be next time. I am moving to London. I am going to bug you with many more pics ;) n yeah , it wud be nicee if we figure out a day when u will reveal who u r ;)

Feb 19, 2012, 12:44:00 PM  

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