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Saturday, February 04, 2012



My hands are freezing cold. My face has lost the colour and my fingers are hardly working. Yes! I spent the whole day outside and enjoyed my first experience of snow in the UK. I have literally spent almost a quarter of my life in places where it snows but unfortunately I vaguely remember it (Thanks to my childhood pictures!). Even last year it didn't snow in the UK.And so ! This year I left no stone unturned to pray and wish for a heavy snowfall and today morning,when I raised the curtains, there it was : tiny little flakes of snow! Heavens :) I grabbed my camera, wrapped myself with woollen garments and dragged Abhay outside to witness this beautiful day :) I threw snowballs at Abhay, got hit my many more, made a snow man , dressed him up, took pictures, skid twice on the ice, then took more pictures ... yes! I did it all :) The weather forecast says that its not going to snow anymore tonight or tomorrow. But whatever I witnessed today was great fun and will remain in my memories forever now :) I am at peace :)

Words cannot do justice to this lovely experience and thus, I am leaving you all with some pictures I have taken today.

The local Costa Coffee Ad Banner :)
On our way home
On the way to Nandos .... Oh so beautiful!
Even my shopping bag was filled with snow :D
 I made a snowman! Yes! thats my cap and scarf :P
(Abhay named him a 'Skinny Snowman' .... Come on! my hands were freezing. Thats the best I could do :) )
The river behind our house was frozen!! 

Another view of the cathedral :)

:) :)
Enjoy the winters!!

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Anonymous M said...

wowow...awesome work on the did u manage the eyes..really good snaps....wen i was a kiddie..we used to stay in a building 4th floor..i and my friend used to go to the emergency exit stairways which no one uses and keep as many ice and that white snowy stuff frm refrigerator at a particular place in those stairways..we were trying making home for superman(seen the movies..!!) that someday he wud fly in there wen it would be all piled up with snow....pity it melted..i wonder how much watery it gets wen all tat snow u took the snaps of will melt...wat did u name ur snowman?i had a snow fight once..the best thing abt snow is that it brings out the acrobat in me lolol...have fun :) also remininces me of winter in hogwarts hehe...i love nothing more thn dashing to a bakery (with wodden n kiln n all kina ambience) on a winter..prefer alone as the ambience.. - M

Feb 16, 2012, 3:18:00 PM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

Thanks :) The experience was wonderful :) I named him skinny :P Well! In today's world everyone must be fit, even a snowman! :D Don't you think? ;) I love snow fights too but for some reason I will get bullied more than the rest :(

What you mean by this : 'Winter in Hogwarts' ?? Am I talking to none other than Harry Potter??? :O ;)

There is such a charm about winter evenings ... but a long winter can be boring, atleast for me! :)

Feb 21, 2012, 2:31:00 PM  

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