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Saturday, January 26, 2013

And it snowed....

Finally!!! Finally, it snowed here last friday ......
I was more than ecstatic to see some snowflakes on my mobile phone's screen :)

.........and it kept me busy for the whole week! From getting excited...To jumping around with happiness...To clicking pictures and taking videos....To having snowball fight & losing :( ....To making snowman again and again ... there was so much to do! And as my father aptly said - " Snowfall always brings out the Child in everyone." :) It surely did in me !!

The country never looked more spectacular before! The scenic beauty all around is breath-taking .... I just couldn't stop telling myself how wonderful it is see the magic of the seasons.....The trees that had turned crimson in fall and lifeless in winter were now glittering....The snow clad red brick british houses must have never appeared more gorgeous before....... its beautiful out here.

And how can I let you all go without taking a sneak-peek at this stunning atmosphere all around me :)


The view of Wolverhampton from the train


 I specifically walked to the city centre to get the glimpse of the bull in the snow...and I think he was doing pretty ok :)
 While walking to the town centre to grab some Telford

 Hope you enjoyed watching the pictures!! And now I need to head back and finish my final attempt at snowman making before we decide who the winner is ;)

Enjoy the winters and stay warm :)


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