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Saturday, March 03, 2012

The Circle of Life!

When we talk about animation , we often think of crazy,funny fictional characters doing non-sensical, hilarious things and making us laugh. However, there is something so different about the movie 'The Lion King'. It touches your heart so deep within! I have grown up listening to its songs and this particular song ,'The circle of life' has always been my all time favourite but I understand it so much better now than yesterday.

I often feel depressed....umm, 'depressed' would a wrong word ..... I often feel 'low' when I think of myself as a young girl. I was so bright and vivacious, I had unlimited dreams and immense energy and zeal to achieve it. I wondered why elders behaved the way they did and I always thought I would be different and I will do things differently('Not getting married ever' was also a part of it :D). Then what happened? Did I fail to fulfill my dreams? Did I fail to lead my life the way I thought I would? .........No, Not at all! Its so easy to dream and every kid must do so. Its a part of being a child and rightly so. What I have done so far is the best that I could have done. It feels so great to write this -'I don't want to undo anything I have done in my life'. It was part of growing up and it was requisite in all aspects. Moreover, I am astonished to see how blessed I am, to have a family like mine and opportunities I have had so far. These are the things you don't choose. Life chooses it for you and as a matured person , you need to get over the imaginary expectations that you created for yourself and make the best out of what you have got! Now that I look back (not that I am too old :) but old enough to give it a thought :)) , I feel amazed to see how far I have come!

On 6th September 2009, I came to know that I am going to be an Aunt and that my sister and my bro-in-law are going to have a baby and honestly, I was taken aback with this news. I couldn't think of my sister as a mother and I have never been good with kids :D And then on 16th May 2010, we had a new member in our family. I received a call from my Mom that 'Kashvi' has finally arrived and I was thrilled. What followed surprised me too!

My Sweetheart 'Kashvi'
(Yes, Its her first appearance on a public blog ever!)

 I used to travel from Bangalore to Chennai every friday to be with her and back to work on Monday morning in Bangalore(Trust me spending two nights in a bus every week wasn't easy). Just a wish to be with my darling gave me the energy and courage to do all of that. What she brings out of me is immensely beautiful and often surprises me. She is indeed our bundle of joy! The energy Kashvi has brought into the whole family is magical. I never knew I could be what I am today. Its so beautifully written :

It's The Circle of Life
And it moves us all
'Its definitely worth being a part of this circle' :) It makes you do things that ,may be, you wouldn't choose to do but its worth experiencing.
Leaving you all with these lovely lines.... Take care and have a great life!

From the day we arrive on the planet
And, blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round
It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life
It's The Circle of Life
And it moves us all


Anonymous M said...

so wonderfully put...really very nice blog this one...the only thing i fear and usually happens with me in 'Circle of Life' is that i keep running towards an end and i never reach it...and worse...after a loooong run i find i am right where i had started....M

Mar 3, 2012, 8:30:00 PM  
Blogger chandralekha said...

great writing,can not believe that a girl of ur age can write such a matured of beautifully written.And the true phase of life.

Mar 4, 2012, 5:41:00 AM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

Thanks M :)Delighted to see ur message. I don't think you can ever be where you had started. Atleast you must have gained experience of 'what not to do' this time around!

Mar 4, 2012, 6:15:00 PM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

Thanks Mommy :) Thanks for visiting my blog and also for the praises :) Muahhh

Mar 4, 2012, 6:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guess u r one can be where he or she had started...every year on January 1 i say to myself wat Scrooge used to say- " Another Year passes by...and I am an year older and not a penny richer..." (not tat my bday is on Jan 1..hehe...but u wid a fine balance of things the way u write must definitely be a Libra I guess!!)Kashvi pic didnt upload last time...v cute she is :)..juz wait n watch how fast time will fly..u will have a family ur own and kashvi will grow up fast and it will juzz get merrier every christmas with lots hustle bustle full u better gear up for lotsa cuisine lessons for the children :) (hope u r maintaining a diary of recipies outta all those dine outs u ave been having thesedays hehehe) kashvi appears to have taken much on maternal lineage with eyes n nose like you and her grandmom i guess .. now dont jump on to conclude that we have is just a 6-dimensional probabilistic computaion my mechanical neuro pattern identifier machine programe has run and hypothesized with statistical confidence bordering on utmost conviction...and the chances of it being wrong are as good as you understanding the above 3-4 lines i have written lololol!! take care n have lots of fun....M

Mar 12, 2012, 6:37:00 PM  

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