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Friday, March 16, 2012

A bowl of colours!

Friday evening and I have no plans to cook tonight (Do I hear an 'As usual' from somewhere? ;)) and even worse I don't even want to step out of the home to go out and eat. This is the best situation when one heads towards something like this and if asked by anyone , simply calls it the part of the detox diet routine ;) However , I am just so absolutely loving it. When was the last time you survived for the whole night on a bowl of fruits? :)

P.S (Time - 23:13 on Sunday) : What an irony! The entire weekend went in cooking :D I was just craving for home food and I was ready to do anything for it , even cooking ! :D Loved the weekend ! Relaxation at home , simple food, wonderful times with friends and my first hindi movie in a theatre of London and lots and lots of peppermint tea :D ..... will talk about all these soon :) Hope you have a great week ahead ......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yummy delicious....i mean looks delicious..but dont ever plsss give that to me for dinner..pity Abhay for that day :D hehehe...nice pic.. n y do i everytime have to log in to comment...not fair :(

Mar 20, 2012, 3:35:00 PM  

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