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Thursday, July 05, 2012

The Olympics Fever!!!

I know! I know! You are more than saturated to see my craze for the Olympics Torch. I knowwwww !!!! I promise this is the last time I am going to talk about this :) Crossed my heart! :)

The Olympics Torch reached birmingham on 30th June and this time my parents could see this too!

Now , who doesn't want his/her picture clicked with the Olympics Torch? Did I hear the name 'Papa'? Well thats true ;) Who else?? .........Nobody :p That's right ! We all want it :) But you just get a fraction of a second to see, react , clap , cheer , click etc etc that it becomes impossible to get the perfect frame which includes you and the flame. However, if you still attempt it , you end up with some interesting pictures :D While scanning through my memory card, I found few funny ones and couldn't resist the temptation of sharing it here :)

I don't like Coca Cola at all but I utterly enjoyed drinking the Coke Olympics 2012Edition

An indication that the torch is coming near you!

Here it comes!

The spirit of Olympics!

The Flame ....

Ready to run?? Btw thats the Mayor of Birmingham. And ya! It was 6 AM and we all were awake and kicking ;)

The flame on its way to Solihull from the Victoria Square, Birmingham

I managed to Capture Abhay and half of Mom ... Honestly, I just kept clicking. I didn't plan anything as she went past so quickly :P

I finally found Mom in one of the frames!!! YIPPEEEE ....Can you see her?? No??

NOW??? There she is :) Screaming :D She is looking adorable!! Muah

The flame heading to the Bull Ring Center.

The I and Abhay had a good run to get Abhay's picture clicked and tried from some 100 spots and we finally made it :D !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Yippppeeeeee .......... Please make the best use of the zoom functionality :D

Btw, do you know I am going to London this weekend and I may get a chance to go inside the stadium :P Well, don't worry :P I will keep that event to myself... ;)

Have a sporty day!!


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