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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Competition

Abhay and I participated in 'Easter Egg Painting Competition' today.

The details of the competition can be found below:

No of Participants - 2
Location .... Corridor of our house
Theme - Easter Egg painting ofcourse :P
Prize - The loser will cook the dinner for a week!!

Since we didn't have a third person to decide the winner, we have decided to let the public be the judge ;)

Even though both the enteries our quite interesting ;) Let me know who do you think deserves to be the winner...

Happy Easter to all of you and yeah! don't forget to leave your decision ;)


Blogger Unknown said...

both the paintings are soo very lovely....i can conjecture that you used to draw good drawings of ducks and mikey mouse...the likes of the cute confused bird easter egg.the red is soo good..but the tribal style requires loads of patience and diligence..much reqd qualities not found in isliye ye tumne banaya hoga and abhay ne confused bird...ya vice versa hai kya...??? Anyways....the jury is out with the verdict...and the AWARD goes To...................................................................................................................................... the TRIBAL Style !!

Apr 5, 2013, 8:16:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow Christopher Columbus knew me really well :)

Thanks for taking time out to vite btw :D

Apr 7, 2013, 10:16:00 PM  

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