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Sunday, August 26, 2012

A lazyyyyyyy sunday! It truly is ... :)

I opened this new box of Bhakarwadi today morning and I just didn't realize when I finished it! Though it would have been nice if I would have realized it before it got over. The reason being : I would have enjoyed the last piece even more :P That was the last box left :( Time to visit London soon ....

 I have been sitting in the same place since morning and almost doing nothing ! It feels great :)

Btw , for the people who don't what bhakarwadi is :  Please mark it as one of things you are going to try whenever you will visit india. And if you are already in India , then thats the first thing you should try tomorrow morning! Its one of the world's best snack ever!

Tomorrow is a bank holiday , which means I have got one more day to stick to this couch and do the same thing again which is NOTHING :D Oh ! I just can't express how relaxed I feel. Sometimes in life, its sooooo very important to just stop! and sit and relax and try to do the most unproductive thing you can do :D However , I am not being so unproductive after all. You will see the result soon once I will finish this interesting project I have taken up :)

Till then answer my question : Whats the most unproductive thing you can do without being bored of it?



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