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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A trip to Stonehenge and Bath Spa

This is a phase when my life is pacing way faster than ever before and I am somehow managing to catch up with it. I sincerely wish I could have 28-30 hours a day! But then ...

If dreams came true, dear
I'd dream you paradise
A moonlit garden
And stars to match your eyes.....

So, lets face the reality and make the best of the amazing 24 that we have got ! Shall we?

Last few months have been the most busy and hectic time of life and what a wonderful time I had! And now, all I am left is with these amazing experiences to share with you all.... so sit back, relax and keep watching this space for lot of action and drama! ;)

Few weekends back , I made a visit to Bath Spa and Stonehenge , two of the most important places in my wishlist along with few of the most important people in my life : Mom , Papa and Abhay! And a wonderful trip it was! If you ever get a chance to visit United Kingdom , please don't leave this piece of land without paying a visit to these two gorgeous places.... I will update this post with the details as and when I get time. However, I have a train to catch at 6:30 AM tomorrow and I'd better hit the hay...

While I am busy updating this space with my crazy stories and fun facts , these pics will keep you busy :) Hope you'll enjoy it!

Abhay[our local guide for the day :)] took us to the local organic market @ Bath Spa... This place was originally the train station
A scultpure ...found in the local market

Cherry? or Tomatoes? ...that's right :) Cherry Tomatoes
It feels so fresh to see fresh veggies these days...and by the way those are carrots :) Cream?? I know!!
Beauty in a jar ...
What an interesting shop! The name says it all :)

We ate , drank and enjoyed!!

My customized salad.... Mom relished hers before I could take picture :-/

Two sweethearts @ Lacock village
Give me few days and I will update you about these tiny little plants.....
(Update : Laccock is probably the cutest village I have ever seen! What you see in the picture had left me completely surprised. They had left these plants for sale unattended outside. If you are interested to buy any, you simply pick one and put money in the money jar... Each sapling is for a pound. Yes! They trust you blindly :) While we roamed around , we found several homes where the goods were kept in open outside and a money jar was placed next to it with a request note. How cute is that!)

So Britishy....

Harry Potter's house... I am not kidding :P You got to google 'Lacock Harry Potter' :)

A new member in our guided tour !
Ah! I wish I could spend a full day in this beautiful village

Maar Diya Jaaye?? ;)

A British Pub ...

Yes , noted! I need to explain this as well...please stay tuned and bear with my pace :)
(Update : Have you heard about river locks? They are simply devised to enable boats to travel at different elevations in between land masses. So basically you bring the boat to the water level and allow it to move forward (Read more about it here ) .What you are seeing in the picture is series of 15 locks and it almost takes 7-8 hours to reach from the topmost level to the lowest one) Fascinating!

Mystic Stonehenge !
Too busy listening to the Audio Guide...Huh?

Lost in nature :)
Let the game begin!
Papa giving his perfect shot ....

The fascinating Roman Baths
Let it burn ... Till it fades away
The view from the place where Abhay spent few crucial years of his life @Bath Spa

Mommy with the Greek Goddess?? :D


Thursday, July 26, 2012


I am sitting on my balcony and its a beautiful night...We are having a good hot summer after ages!(Few years back, who would have thought that I would be wishing for this :)) ....We both are busy with our respective laptops and I am the radio jockey for the evening. Yes! I get to play my favourite songs :) And how can I not play this one? Oh!! I just love this song. It just makes me so nostalgic whenever I listen to it. Brings back so many beautiful memories of my childhood , fun moments with friends , loving times with my sister and crazy times I have spent with Abhay. And thats the beauty of life. No matter how hard life has been , the past is always beautiful. Isn't it :)

I feel blessed to be able to live the life I have lived so far. *Touch Wood* :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Everthing happens for a reason

Whenever anything goes wrong and I cringe , Abhay says this to me - 'All happens for the best'
And those few words just make things so simpler.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The day 'Tower Bridge' opened!

Oh! What a sight .... Standing in the River Cruise Boat , seeing the tower bridge open....I cannot ask for more from a usual sunday :)

Its simply an extra-ordinary sight!

P.S - I will be writing about my experience in details.... I am just too sleepy right now and I have a long day waiting for me tomorrow .... So Goodnight guys ! Sleep tight ....and don't let the bed bug bite :)

Thursday, July 05, 2012

The Olympics Fever!!!

I know! I know! You are more than saturated to see my craze for the Olympics Torch. I knowwwww !!!! I promise this is the last time I am going to talk about this :) Crossed my heart! :)

The Olympics Torch reached birmingham on 30th June and this time my parents could see this too!

Now , who doesn't want his/her picture clicked with the Olympics Torch? Did I hear the name 'Papa'? Well thats true ;) Who else?? .........Nobody :p That's right ! We all want it :) But you just get a fraction of a second to see, react , clap , cheer , click etc etc that it becomes impossible to get the perfect frame which includes you and the flame. However, if you still attempt it , you end up with some interesting pictures :D While scanning through my memory card, I found few funny ones and couldn't resist the temptation of sharing it here :)

I don't like Coca Cola at all but I utterly enjoyed drinking the Coke Olympics 2012Edition

An indication that the torch is coming near you!

Here it comes!

The spirit of Olympics!

The Flame ....

Ready to run?? Btw thats the Mayor of Birmingham. And ya! It was 6 AM and we all were awake and kicking ;)

The flame on its way to Solihull from the Victoria Square, Birmingham

I managed to Capture Abhay and half of Mom ... Honestly, I just kept clicking. I didn't plan anything as she went past so quickly :P

I finally found Mom in one of the frames!!! YIPPEEEE ....Can you see her?? No??

NOW??? There she is :) Screaming :D She is looking adorable!! Muah

The flame heading to the Bull Ring Center.

The I and Abhay had a good run to get Abhay's picture clicked and tried from some 100 spots and we finally made it :D !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Yippppeeeeee .......... Please make the best use of the zoom functionality :D

Btw, do you know I am going to London this weekend and I may get a chance to go inside the stadium :P Well, don't worry :P I will keep that event to myself... ;)

Have a sporty day!!

Cockerel of Barcelos

I think you all know already that Abhay and I are two BIG FAT Nando's fans! :) Still I never bothered to dig into the fact behind the presence of the famous Cockerel in our table! I am always too busy eating I believe ;) So, this time when I put my foot on the land of Lisbon, I couldn't stop myself from asking the locals about the significance of the cockerel in Portugal and the answer was ....

Btw, that's the cork postcard I got for Kashvi(My niece) and Vivaan(Abhay's Nephew)

A sweet story and I would like to believe it :)

I just found this on the internet and might give it a try .... Cockerel Nails ;) Watch this space for some crazy nail art ;)

Sunday, July 01, 2012

2nd time lucky :)

Watched the London Olympics Torch Relay 2012 - at Birmingham yet again ! - With Mom , Papa and Abhay :)