Life full of surprises!
I always love surprises and mostly how my body and brain reacts to it. I just can't stop smiling when the surprise is being revealed to me and I feel that even my voice changes .. haha .... And there is a real adrenaline rush that goes in my body :D I literally feel that the world is moving faster when I am excited (Funny but I am even typing faster while thinking about it :D)
I think its Abhay who has planned maximum surprises for me in my life. It was one of my birthdays when Abhay and My Sis had planned a dinner for me and my parents at Leela Palace, Bangalore. The day is still very clear in my head. I had gone to office and had a wonderful celebration planned by my office team and when I returned home , I could feel something strange about how my parents were behaving. I think they were not able to contain in the surprise :D And yes! My whole family was the partner in crime :) So ideally, it would be me who would suggest 'Dinner at Leela Palace' and my Mom or Papa would defy the idea giving some or the other reason. However , that day this idea came from the other end and I just couldn't believe my ears. Birthday Celebration at Leela Palace ?? I am ON (I didn't think I could afford it with my THEN-SALARY ;) but as my Papa was with me and his ATM card with him,there was nothing to worry :D). I didn't want to kick away my good luck and thus, without arguing or any ifs or buts I agreed and we all rushed towards Airport Road, Bangalore.
Auto!!!! I screamed.
An Auto Rickshaw stopped.
Bhaiya , Leela Palace. Airport Road?
Madam - 60!! (He meant 60 bucks)
60 bucks for Airport Road? (By meter it should hardly be 30 Rs, my brain calculates)
My Mom says 'Thats fine, lets go'
HOLD ON!! That can't be possible. My Mom had no idea where is Leela Palace and generally she is the last person to intervene in such moments. I could feel something fishy already........And then we reached the hotel. OH MY GOD !!! Time for SURPRISE :) The restaurant manager was waiting for us and when I entered the restaurant,my jaw had dropped :O There was this special table setup outside for us by the fountain and amazing food and lovely cake waiting for us. It was such a beautiful surprise I am never going to forget all my life.
But there are suprises that no one plans for you. You just happen to be in the right place at the right time and I have been experiencing such moments often lately.
First it was bollywood movie shooting two weeks back. Then it was Fashion week ramp show at canary wharf last week. And today morning when I opened the window, it was snowing at birmingham!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. Snowing in the month of April? Really? I had just packed all my woollen garments a few weeks back. At this stage of my life , when I am hopping from one place to the other so frequently and literally have no luxury to choose where I can be, it indeed feels splendid when such tiny little surprises knock your door. It fills my heart with joy and my face with a smile :)
Here some pics of the Fashion week btw :)
Thanks for reading :)
Take Care !
U in any of those pics?? :P Btw something abt Leela Palace/Kempinski and the likes.. thrs something i realized two weeks bck while i was having lunch at Maurya Sheraton last week ( Company Paid :) ), which reminded me of the embassy dinner party i had attended 6 months back ( Country Paid :) :) ) , while also reminding me of the every weekend Rs 350 continental buffet i have at IndiJoe ( I pay :( ... but i really create a havoc...whenever i go for a buffet and and become regular at any hotel chain they break away from the rest by increasing the buffet price every quarter of the fiscal year!!!)...thr was this common dish...Lasagne.. which I relished to my gastronomical delight.. and ate to an astronomical proportion ..fancy the hotel walas plight.. ok ..coming bck to point..while i was skillfully manuevoring the dish throgh my foodpipe endlessly at occured to me a Theory..which i m publishing first here n aptly naming it "Lasagne Deciphered" theory... that every individual has a limit of sensory perception of a foods taste...beyond matter how finely or tastefully a delicacy is prepared...the individual will not be able to differentiate the taste...I hit my limit of sensory perception at Indijoe (i can differentiate between indijoe and a clubhose lasagne but not tht of Indijoe and beyond)..similarly some dish have their own prepare a scale..we will rate water as 0 (if anyone can differentiate between 100 tastes of water..he is the connoisseur of food) and wine 100 ( if one cant differentiate between two wines, perhaps like urs truely, one is a hog).. i think in Hollywood movies the 3 most skilled connoisseurs are- Jack Sparrow, Sherlock Holmes and of course....James Bond...i am again blabbering...high time i have my dinner...and yeah...wens ur Birthday? u seem like a April Person...adios...M
Wow!! That is one of the craziest theories I have ever read :D never mind , keep it coming :) I somehow believe that you know me personally and definitely know my birthday as well :P
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