My journey from Worcester to Telford
It is beautiful in the UK these days. I get up at morning 6 and I can hardly see bright light outside. It’s still partially dark. I remember the summer days when I used to witness sunrise at 4 (No I don't wake up so early. Infact, I used to sleep at 4am at times :D ) ..... Its cold and I grab my fleece jacket before coming out of the bed. Of course the rush to get ready on time seems like a good exercise and I feel warm enough before I step out :D I give a shout to Abhay to call a cab to go to the station and the taxi arrives even before we are ready. The last few minutes at home always look like a video of our daily lives in fast forward motion :) ... we rush and get inside the cab, mostly greeted by an Asian Cab Driver speaking in broken hindi. I can see water droplets running down the window of the vehicle and the roads filled with fog. We reach the station, buy tickets to go to Telford Central Station and reach platform 1 at Worcester Foregate Station. If we miss the train, we wait for the next one while I ask Abhay to place a call to my mom. I love being married for this particular reason. I don't have to worry about things like calculating my expenses or recharging my mobile phone or even placing a call to Mom :D I ask for it and he just does it without complaining :D (I hope he doesn’t start refusing it after reading this. I shouldn't be giving him such ideas). We wait for the train while it arrives on the platform. My eyes quickly scanning for 2 free seats together. We get inside and this is very funny moment. In India, people will rudely push passengers to grab a seat. Nothing of this manner happens here of course but there is a mix of being polite yet being competitive to grab a free seat :) Mornings are very rush in trains but we still manage to be seated. We settle down and our talks begin. Abhay and I can talk continuous all our lives I think :D Our topics never seem to seize and I hope it doesn’t! Ever! :) He generally update me about world economy, US and UK economy always being one of the common topics OR some BBC documentary which he watched last night when I was asleep. I inform him about the latest activities of Kashvi, how naughty she is becoming day by day OR something I saw on a mannequin and convince him to buy it ;). Soon enough our train enters the countryside and I can see acres and acres of land filled with lush grass and fluffy hairy sheeps grazing on it.
Every 5-10 mins, I happen to see a river canal and some house boats. If we happen to see a horse, I brace myself as I know what’s coming - An argument between me and Abhay :) He wants to learn horse riding with me and I am afraid of it. After 40 mins or so , we arrive at a station called 'University'. This is the place where all the brightly coloured clothing vanishes from the train and all that is left now is lots and lots of formal clothing in shades of blacks and greys. We arrive at Birmingham New Street Station.We get down from the train, grab a cup of cappuccino and get on board to our train to Telford Central.

On our way to Telford, I happen to see a piece of land divided into a dozen of kitchen gardens. I almost respond to it and sat straight and watch it carefully while it goes out of my sight. Abhay understands my interest and informs me that the govt of the UK gives pieces of a land to the citizens on a very low price for gardening so that the land remains fertile and is being used for growing vegetables. 'It is a brilliant concept and I would love to own a lovely kitchen garden one day', I register in my brain. I look around and I can see the colours of the leaves of the trees have turned orange/red/yellow. Autumn is here! And before I would know winters will be arriving. I have been hearing lot of scary stories of the winters in the UK but I have a feeling that I am going to love it. I am looking forward to seeing some snowfall this year. I remember my days as a kid in Mahidanda. I and Apa (my sister) used to collect fresh snow in a bowl, mix it with some Milkmaid and eat it as an ice cream. I share the same fun with Apa even now and though 20 years must have past but I still feel the same when I am with her. I feel like fighting with her, I feel like complaining to mom about her , I feel bad when Mom or Papa scolds her, I can talk for hours with her and I feel like loving her all the time. Finally, we arrive at Telford station and welcomed by a gush of cold wind. I pull my packet collar and cover my neck. We walk towards our office ready to start yet another day!

Labels: Life