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Sunday, June 04, 2006


The words "breakout thriller" surely applies to Dan Brown's book,"The Da Vinci Code" .The Da Vinci Code has all the right ingredients to create a massive market share of the fiction sold. I didn't have much of knowledge regarding Christianity or their customs and rituals.I had always heard of Da Vinci's famous painting "THE MONALISA" and I often used to make statements like "how stupid the painting really is!!" or "I dont see anything special about her smile" always followed by the statement "Me too.." from the person sitting next to me.:-)Until now...

Reading the book was like a thrilling odyssey to the world of mysteries and conspiracies.The characters are believable, the fictional premise intriguing, and it has two major components to insure sales -- the Knights Templar and the search for the Holy Grail.Dan Brown's work is a beautiful blend of thrill,twists,facts,knowledge and mysteries.It forced me to be a part of the try and guess the cryptex key or to help them find the missing orb in Newton's tomb.And honestly, i actively participated.This also became possible because this story is ofcourse related to the era of Christ but it also involves the cryptology and other modern terms which we all are well aware of.It was an amazing fusion of era of Christianity's evolution and the modern period.Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code is fantastic as a flash-in-the-pan pulp thriller.

As said by Dan Brown,faith is a strong belief in a supernatural power and it is this blind belief that helps our brain process the unbelievable facts related to our religions and deities.We never question "why?" or "how?" when it comes to Gods and Goddesses because we feel that it is supernatural and the word 'logic' doesnt apply there at all.But the facts and the impeccable description of them given by Robert Langdon to Sophie Neveu compels u to even question a "why?" and "how?" to all the faiths that had been embedded inside ur mind since your childhood.The description of the Monalisa's smile telling the truth against the founders of the church or The Last Supper's fact of including a women and the formation of the V symbol symbolizing the scared womb leaves a doubt in the minds of the readers for sure.

After reading the book,I also went through the various reviews by critics and historians but their criticism was more faith-based than fact-based.None of them could answer "Who mary magdalene was?" and "Why her portrait is present in the painting of The Last Supper?".If Marraige was not meant for Jesus Christ and his followers,what the lady was doing there??

The Last Supper was the last meal Jesus shared with his apostles before his death.
The painting depicts the very moment that Jesus has said to his disciples:

Now when the even was come, he sat down with the twelve.

And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.

And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord, is it I?

And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.

Also,they couldn't deny the fact about the existence of The priory of Sion.Their criticism revolved around minute mistakes which somehow looses its importance when such a huge fact has been revealed.

Thus,The Da Vinci Code leaves everything to ur imagination.Either u can continue with the faith and beliefs attached with us since time immemorial or think about the reason behind the absence of Ying-Yang theory in Bible.It lets you stand in front of the sea of doubts and quest for truth and asks you to jump and explore!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chetu,

Must tell you, the article is really good and quite impressive for a first timer. The words are aptly chosen and fit the bill. Looking forward to many more.

Take Care,
Ritish Bhai.

Jun 6, 2006, 8:41:00 AM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

Thank you Ritish bhai..but have u stopped visiting my blog:(...y there r no more comments of urs anywhere else??

Jun 17, 2006, 10:02:00 PM  

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