blogger visitor

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The moment you get up in the morning till the moment u sleep,numerous thoughts keep flooding in and even when u sleep they disguise u,peep into ur sleep and introduce themselves as 'dreams'.So this is my effort to bring those thoughts out of my it...let them stand in front of me face to face....interact with me...argue with me...or even fight with me...and ultimately to help me find a conclusion from it that is actually going to help me be a better person and to let me make the world around me a better place.

The word DECIPHER,in literary terms,means to decode...from where comes the name of my blog....THOUGHTS DECIPHERED!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!! ur blog page looks awesome!
For Readers:
If there is one blog page thats worth visting o net then its "thoughts decipherd"
Her writings are guranteed to be pure,orginal and straight from the heart....a reflection of the beautiful personaltiy of the author within.
So chetna...keep up the good work and hope ur blog does that i can call it "WonderBlog"!!

Jun 5, 2006, 12:19:00 PM  
Blogger Consciousness said...

Thank you so much rohit.Sorry for this late response but jasleen told me that i am supposed to reply to the comments too!!!..haha

thank u so much for those lovely words


Jun 17, 2006, 9:58:00 PM  

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